The Value of Mail Codes
With the objective of reducing sort time and sort errors, and maximizing mailing efficiency, Mail Services has a long-term goal to sort as much mail as possible by ZIP+4/Mail Code. For ease of use, the majority of Mail Codes are also the ZIP+4 in the delivery address. However, there are several off campus buildings that this does not hold true since there are UC departments and private businesses in the building. When addressing mail for off campus departments, please make sure you are using the correct Mail Code.
Campus mail service is dependent on applying the correct Mail Code. Absence of the correct Mail Code – even if the remainder of the address is accurate – may result in failure to deliver to the destination address. The mail piece could subsequently be sent back to Mail Services and re-routed, adding at least two extra days to the delivery process.
Obtaining a Mail Code
Fortunately, it’s easy to obtain a Mail Code. However, having a mail code does not guarantee a mail delivery. Each department is assigned at least one Mail Code, and larger departments may have two or more. In these cases, each Mail Code is assigned to a discreet sub-unit or program to distinguish its identity within the department.
All campus addresses and Mail Codes are entered into the US Postal Service's national address database, which is used to process the nation's mail, and to assist mailers seeking correct address information. This data is managed jointly by the Postal Service and by Mail Services.
Updating or Adding a Mail Code
The currency of campus address data is dependent upon campus departments furnishing up-to-date information. If your department is planning to move or to change its name, please be sure to inform Mail Services so that this data can be updated accordingly. Occasionally, a department may need to add a Mail Code. For more information regarding the assignment of ZIP+4/Mail Codes, please contact the Mail Services Manager at 643-MAIL.